The aim of the EXPLICS project is to improve language competence of students by preparing models of best-practice in how to exploit Internet case study and simulation templates and by familiarising language teachers with these models. This is achieved by bringing together the different competence areas of the project partners. These specialisations include: task-oriented and problem-based learning and teaching; use of global simulations; use of case studies in language teaching; development of language level descriptors and methods of language testing, use of ICT for corpus analysis and concordancing and the use of ICT for language testing. We will then develop interrelated activities for subject-specific language teaching.
The project will explore different means of using ICT to exploit Internet case study and simulation templates for:
in relation to language teaching for students of agricultural & natural sciences and business & economics at higher education institutions.
The project will
The EXPLICS project will have a positive impact on language training and because of this on the motivation of students to continue to learn foreign languages after completion of their studies in lifelong learning. It will contribute to a higher language competence of students, particularly of students of agricultural & natural sciences and of business & economics.
The project follows the recommendations of the European Commission on language learning and the Bologna / Prague Action Lines: the promotion of mobility; promotion of European co-operation in quality assurance; promotion of European dimension in higher education; lifelong learning; the involvement of students and enhancement of the attractiveness and competitiveness of the European Higher Education Area.